My name is Hannah Grace and I'm 16 years old. I love using health and beauty products and I love making them too! I call my brand BeYOUtiful because you don't have to be anybody else to be beautiful, you can just Be YOU. Every product with the BeYOUtiful name is handmade, using natural ingredients. Enjoy!

My Story
On New Year's Eve, 2016, my family and I were on our way to a health and beauty store to purchase bath bombs. When we got there my dad turned to me and said, "I bet you could make these and even sell them". Challenge accepted! Even though I have Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac disease, he always tells me that with my relentless pursuit for the things I desire, I will be very successful some day. I won't let anything stop me from achieving my dreams. I am BeYOUtiful, and so are you! Click here to read my entire story.
In the Press
Check out some of the recent articles featuring BeYOUtiful below. I'm proud to be covered by the media, and am excited to share the best stories and headlines. Connect with me at the bottom of the page to stay current on everything BeYOUtiful.
December 07, 2019
I will have a vendor table at the Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair at the Mattapoisett Museum. Come buy some Christmas Gifts from me and other great vendors!
I'm always creating and uploading new, fun, and informative videos on YouTube. Like and comment on the videos and make sure you subscribe to the channel!
Connect with Me!
Connect with me and you'll be the first to know about everything BeYOUtiful. Comment, question, concern? Leave it right here.